Actual Route and Distances

As you may have gathered from Gina’s blog posts, she had trouble with her Garmin bike computers on a few days – particularly at the beginning of her ride. Particularly troublesome were days 9 & 12 where, looking at the data, the Garmin just didn’t record several miles of the journey (so, if you look at the actual Garmin recording, you’ll see a straight line covering the period of time where the Garmin wasn’t paying attention at all).

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The Preparations Continue…

Ordinarily, a ride from Lands End to John O’Groats would involve weeks and months of training to ensure that the rider is fit enough to meet the challenge. Gina is no different – she is riding on a turbo trainer and going for brisk walks when the days are too cold to ride safely*, and riding on hilly roads when it is safe to do so.

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